Welcome to the first edition of a new piece we are doing, the Friday Recap!
The purpose of this is to share some things we have discovered, read, learned, or whatever. Sometimes it might be new, sometimes it may just be something we remembered, either way we think it is something worth your time. It will be a simple format: we will tell you whether it is something to watch, read, try, or check out with a brief description of what you are getting.
We hope that you enjoy and without further ado:
Read This:
Eric Cressey on Strength in the Teenage Years – Strength is the base that enables all athletic performance. I have heard some parents and coaches say that teens shouldn’t strength train because it is an injury risk. A smart program poses little risk to individuals regardless of the age and strength training with teens will help reduce the risk of injury during sport participation. Eric Cressey addresses the importance of strength training with teenage athletes and makes good points as to why it is important.
Check This Out:
Precision Nutrition: The Cost of Getting Lean – One of my first clients in Germany said during our intro session that he wanted to have a body like Cristiano Ronaldo. I asked him how often he wanted to workout and he responded twice a week. He did not like my answer that would not be possible. In this infographic, Precision Nutrition outlines the basics that need to be done and what has to be given up to reach a certain body-fat percentage. Use this to figure out for yourself what is a realistic goal for your lifestyle.
Types of Intelligence – Think about your experience in school. There were subjects that we did well in, those we didn’t, or perhaps we excelled at things outside of school. Our education system stresses linguistics and math, which many people don’t find easy. This infographic shows the different types of intelligence and helps us think about what types of intelligence we excel at and what types of intelligence we can work on improving.